6 答案
I am trying to do this with the steps described, but I receive this message "There is already one inventory adjustment line for this product, you should rather modify this one instead of creating a new one" any idea
Hi Mohsin:
Assuming you have set up the Product Categories, Products, Costing/Valuation Method, Product Removal Method and mapped the Accounts, here are the steps to follow:
Activate Developer mode
Go to Inventory > Operations > Inventory Adjustments
Create a new Inventory Adjustment, enter a description, select All Products and Start Inventory
Odoo will copy all the Products into the Inventory Adjustment
Click the Details smart button on the top right of the adjustment
You can now Export all the products into a csv file, update the quantity in the csv file and re-import the file
Go back to the Inventory Adjustment and click Validate Inventory
This will create the corresponding stock/product moves and accounting entries.
NOTE: If you are using multi-warehouse/multi-location, you should set these up too before starting the inventory adjustment process since you will be doing the inventory adjustment for each stock location.
If you have multi warehouse/location, you will have to create an inventory adjustment for each stock location. When you activate multi warehouse/location, you will get a location field on the inventory adjustment firm. Specify the location and when you go into details, specify the quantities for that location only.
I am facing an error.My environment is multi company. I have imported LOT nos and inventory adjustment and it worked fine but when i try to do the same in another company it gives a conflict on lot no. if lot no matches with other company it is not allowing me to access that existing nor nor it allows me to create it in another company.
Is there also a way to get started with an initial inventory with prices? When there is no PO how can we add the costs for the products?
For inventory adjustment import use these three columns (product- Location - Counted Quantity). Even you can use the barcode of the product in the name filed.
I was looking for the same thing
Did you manage to get the price with quantity?
Thank you
The import of the initial stock does not have much complexity. What you should review is:
Do you have all the company's products registered?
Do you have their category correctly established?
Are stock valuation methods correctly set?
Do you have automatic posting? If yes, the accounting notes will be created and this should be taken into account
First of all import the products and category then set warehouses. After that go to
Here you have to import data with following fields in Excel file
After that click on validate
Thank You