5 答案
A quick and dirty fix:
Comment out in /addons/website/static/src/scss/website.scss:
$-seen-urls: ();
@each $alias, $key in $o-font-aliases-to-keys {
$-url: o-get-font-info($alias, 'url');
@if $-url and index($-seen-urls, $-url) == null {
$-seen-urls: append($-seen-urls, $-url);
// @import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=#{unquote($-url)}&display=swap");
I found this tool (no affiliation and unfortunately only in German) helpful to check if all requirements are fulfilled (i.e., check if font is loaded from the Google servers, or not):
Hi to all
To fix this you can deploy this module :
You will have to load the font files in your static directory and include it as an asset by inheriting the web front end assets xml file then applying the fonts using a css.
Indeed, but the Google Fonts/files are still loaded within the website module.
Is there an upstream patch for this already. This is becoming a serious threat for German customers. See https://www.datenschutzticker.de/2022/03/einsatz-von-google-fonts-ohne-einwilligung-ist-rechtswidrig/
There is a module for replacing Google fonts with BunnyFonts: