1 答案
Hi Victor,
Use your attr as like below.
attrs="{'invisible': ['|','|','|',('x_sale_services_purchased','=','s_f'),('x_sale_services_purchased','=','s_web'), ('x_sale_services_purchased','=','s_seo'),('x_sale_services_purchased','=',False)]}"
It will work.
Hello! I'm sorry for not responding sooner, I was pulled away from this project temporarily right after posting the question. I just tried and your answer - it works perfectly, and makes total sense. Thank you very much! I do not yet have enough karma to accept it as an answer (which seems like an odd design to me, seeing as it was me who asked the question) but I will add [SOLVED] to the subject and will come back when I have enough karma to mark your answer as accepted. Thanks again for your help!