0 编辑 关闭 删除 标记 Error: '0001-01-01 00:00:00' is not a correct datetime 编辑 关闭 删除 标记 odoo 30 九月 2021 退订 订阅 odoo14creationsaleEE 评论 分享 1 备注 贴子评论 丢弃 odoo - 21 十一月 2022 删除 转换为答案 Hi, did you find a solution for this? We have the same problem. Also as an admin, I can't access the "All Night Diff Request". 1 答案 0 odoo 21 十一月 2022 最佳答案 i found the solution, i update the field datetime with abnormal value by raw query same as create_date 备注 分享 贴子评论 丢弃
Hi, did you find a solution for this? We have the same problem. Also as an admin, I can't access the "All Night Diff Request".