0 编辑 关闭 删除 标记 Create invoice via xmlrpc 编辑 关闭 删除 标记 odoo 3 六月 2022 退订 订阅 pythonxmlrpcinvoice 评论 分享 贴子评论 丢弃 1 答案 0 odoo 3 六月 2022 最佳答案 "I would like to know, for example, which API calls are made during the creation of specific records, like a new Contact. How can I intercept and see them?"See https://www.odoo.com/forum/help-1/how-can-i-see-which-api-calls-are-made-to-learn-what-odoo-is-doing-at-specific-times-183911 备注 分享 贴子评论 丢弃