Spare Car patches up with Odoo

Company nameSpare Car

Country: Egypt

Industry: Automotive

Odoo Customer Success Manager: Moatassem Elhodaiby

Main Apps implemented: Sales, Invoicing, Accounting, Point of Sale, Inventory, Purchase, Expenses.

Number of Odoo Users: 10

The Star 

Spare Car is an auto accessories storefront with three branches in Egypt. They have been in business for 50 years and are amongst Egypt's biggest auto accessories shops and manufacturers. Their newest branch has a garage space where they install car accessories and parts replacement of car seat covers, sound systems, and other accessories. While customers wait for their work to be done, they can sit and enjoy a coffee in the shop's mini cafe. 

They have over 1000 products that we import and export to some countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. They want to keep track of all these purchases and be able to track their inventory accurately.

Obstacles Faced 

In the early stages of digitalization, they were hosted on a local on-premise server that costs them massive maintenance fees. Paired with the constant downtimes faced due to poor connection caused enough disruption to shift to a PaaS solution eventually. 


The Solutions 

Sales and Purchase: As a company involved with the B2B market, they move massive quantities that all have their unique selling process and prices based on different variations and requirements. Each deal has its contact, suppliers, and the end customer; connecting the three adds manhours like crazy! Working on Odoo created a workflow with transactional history on each vendor and customer that allows flawless tracking on each sale and purchase made, making reporting, tracking and accounting transition from a nightmare to a dream.

Inventory: Since inventory management in Odoo includes 360 coverage from warehousing to managing and tracking, it allowed Spare to have an organized and clear view of all product and stock aspects. When any sale or purchase is made, it is immediately reflected within the system triggering a series of actions to fall into effect based on the configuration set by the operations team. For example, when they sell a specific product, it now falls under a certain number (e.g. they have a minimum requirement of 15 red seat covers that must be in stock). Due to the sale of this product, the system will automatically trigger a reordering rule to ensure the minimum amount of red seat covers is available. Allowing them to focus on another aspect of the business that can further enhance operational output while the system takes a life of its own within the company. Now they generate reports instantly based on overall inventory movements and individual product life cycles. What used to take 15 minutes per report now is done instantly. 


POS:  As the business has several branches that now have intercommunication within Odoo, they can keep track of all customer purchases, allowing them to serve their customers better. Updating customers via SMS and WhatsApp allows Spare to create a close and trusted communication line between business and customer that drastically improves relations.

Expenses Ft. Studio: Prior to Odoo, there was no approval or hierarchy to follow in the company, causing many bottleneck situations that caused delays. Using Odoo Studio within the expense application allowed them to create a structured and organized manner of approvals for all expenses to be tracked and sent to the respective managers for approval, making the operation conclude within the same day if needed.

Accounting: The journals and tracking of all invoices integrated within every single app allow them to track all accounts and set automated reminders to vendors and customers. It also gives them the ability to check now how much anything was previously priced with great accuracy. Using the filtration system, they can segregate all sorts of reports based on what reviews need to take place. What was taking 4 hours to generate is now done through a few clicks. 


When asked, how would you describe what the company values most about Odoo, they responded, "With enough training and online resources from Odoo, anyone can learn it and get familiar with it quickly."

Perfect Business, Perfect Solution